Sep 18, 2011

Random Summer 2011 Picture Dump

This past summer was crazy busy as usual. I realized because it was so crazy that we might be due for a random picture we go.

This is Asher and his buddy Ben. Ben lives in Nashville with his mommy and daddy. They are exactly 20 days apart in age. Ben's daddy, Jamin and Asher's daddy, Mark were college room-mates. They stopped by for the night on their way to a mission trip with their church. It was so fun to watch these two cuties play together. 

Sometime towards the beginning of the summer we got a chance to spend a couple days with Jeremy, Tera, Caleb, and Cully in Kentucky. They are usually 2 time zones away in Arizona, so when we find ourselves occupying the same time zone we try to make it a priority to spend some of that time together. Mark, Asher, and I traveled to Kentucky to camp with Tera's family on their land for a couple of days. We had the best time. As you can see, the boys were having fun being boys:)

Here is a picture of the whole crew. To say we miss these 4 might be the understatement of the century. 

We spent a week this summer in Louisville, KY with these two awesome girls, and about 6 or 7 thousand other high school students at Nazarene Youth Conference. No, we did not have to wear hair nets the whole time, but for this mini-work project they were a necessity and a fantastic picture opportunity.

 Another perk of NYC is that youth groups from all over the USA are there. One of my besties from high school, Sarah and her hubby are in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Luke is the youth pastor. I absolutely loved having a much needed chance to catch up with Sarah. We took this picture just before the last session of the conference. The funny thing that we didn't know when we took this picture but both learned about later is that Sarah is about 5 weeks pregnant with her 2nd baby and I am about 3.5 weeks pregnant with my 2nd baby in this picture. Love, love, love that we will be having babies within a week of each other in March!

 About 12 seconds later we got home from the conference and headed to Ohio with a great group of teens and adults to go to Cedar Point. This really nice couple agreed to let all 19 of us crash in their house for the night...thanks Mom and Dad B!
 Once we reached the end of the summer, we headed to Hilton Head, South Carolina for a week of relaxation. This is Asher's first time seeing and touching the ocean. This face is priceless and something I will never forget.

Hope you enjoyed the random picture dump! Have a great week!

Mark, Allyson, Asher and Baby #2

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