Nov 30, 2010

Love this picture!

Sally caught this amazing photo the other day. It was too perfect not to share:)

Mark and Allyson

Nov 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Break

This is probably where you expect a lot of pictures of family, turkey, and other Thanksgiving fun but I hate to tell you it is not going to happen. I am really good at taking pictures of everyday life, funny things we catch Asher doing, but I am terrible at taking pictures of family gatherings. I guess I get so caught up in enjoying our family time that I forget to get out my camera. Oh well. I did catch a couple cute ones here and there...

Asher loves this sink at my mom and dad's house. I think he is going to outgrow it in the near future!

It is officially Christmas season!

This was taken Sunday night after church. Asher was so pooped from his traveling weekend that he passed out on his daddy's shoulder holding his mommy and daddy's hands. I love it.

Merry Christmas! Time to break out the Christmas movies!
Mark and Allyson

Nov 23, 2010

What's in here?

Who needs toys when you have cabinets to explore?
Much love,
Mark and Allyson

Bath time!

Asher has started a bad habit in the bathtub...standing up on the side of the tub. The problem is he is so stinkin cute. How do you say no to this face?

Can't wait to bring the silly boy to Ohio tomorrow!
Mark and Allyson

Nov 22, 2010


20 Chicago highlights in no particular order.
1. Northface store (we are friends)
2. 40%...make that 55% off everything at GAP
3. laughter
4. My mom
5. Garrett's popcorn (not the line)
6. "priority club member"
7. 40% off at The Limited
8. 4...make that 5 pair of boots
9. Nordstrom's shoe department
10. Maggiano's
11. My aunt
13. My cousin
13. Abby's funny Rachel
14. Chicago PIZZA!
15. the drive
16. Snuggly Asher when we got home:)
17. "complimentary" ravioli
18. buckeye win!
19. Getting seated at 9 on the dot
20. Mariah Carey Christmas toons!

Merry Christmas!

Nov 18, 2010

School work.

"Hey Dad! Can I help you with your school work?"

"This book isn't very good. How do you read this stuff?"

"Oh, Hi Mom!"

"Uhhh....Dad?...a little help, please!"

Nov 16, 2010

Too big!

Someone needs to either
A. Stop growing so fast.
B. Get a less puffy coat.

We love this kid!
Mark and Allyson

Nov 15, 2010

Church league basketball.

Mark just started his season of church-league basketball. Basically, it is where a bunch of men get together and pretend that they are all 17 years old again only to find out that they aren't 17. I love church-league basketball. It just cracks me up for some reason. This past week, we (The mighty Davis Memorial Church of the Nazarene) took on the Baptists. Here is a shot of the guys getting some much-needed instructions...

Mark and Ken didn't want to show everyone up so they took some bench time together at one point:)

Don't worry, Mark eventually put himself in (did I mention he is the coach?).

I had a picture of the scoreboard at the end of the game, but I will save that for another day. Let's just say that we didn't win. But, if there was an award for number of fans and spirit, we won hands down. Check out our awesome cheering section...

...and the Baptist's cheering section. Pitiful. Just pitiful.

Don't worry guys, win or lose, Asher and I will always be your number 1 fans!

On to the next game!
Allyson and Asher

Nov 13, 2010

Fall fun

When we all got home on Friday afternoon we found a huge pile of leaves that Mark had made for Asher earlier in the day. We wasted no time sticking the little guy right in the middle of the fun. As you can see, he loved every minute.

Lots of love,
Mark, Allyson, and Asher

Nov 9, 2010

70 degrees? November?

We have had some beautiful weather here over the past two days. Who knew that November could bring 70 degree weather in Indiana? Today, to take advantage of the weather we took a blanket outside and had some fun.

What would an afternoon be without a little Asher vs. Daddy wrestling match?

Happy Tuesday!
Mark, Allyson, and Asher

Nov 8, 2010

Skype is our friend.

"Hey Asher, Uncle Andy and Aunt Megan want to Skype. Do you want to?"... "Sure, Mom."

"Hi Uncle Andy and Aunt Megan..."

"Mom, are we almost done?"

"I give up, I think I will just sleep right here."

Good night!

Nov 7, 2010

5 years? Really?

Are we really old enough to have been out of college for 5 years? The answer evidently is yes.
We headed to Nashville this weekend for an anniversary/ reunion weekend. I already did an anniversary blog, so here goes the homecoming blog...
Friday night we had our 2005 reunion followed by a young alumni reunion. Basically my best girlfriends and I have been counting down to this day since summer. We haven't all been together at the same time since last November when they had a double baby shower for Stacey and me. We show up to the reunion looking like we had discussed a color scheme for a picture. Honestly, we did not...this is just what happened.

Saturday morning we all went over to Joy's house (thanks again Joy and Jason!) for a brunch get-together. This is really what we were looking forward too...girls...husbands....babies....all in one room together. It was great. We ate, laughed, caught up, and cuddled some babies. Hopefully I will have a "whole family" picture to show you later when I get it from Jenna, but this other girl pic will do.

The other highlight of the weekend was the first meeting of Asher and Emmalyn. They were born exactly 17 days apart. They had fun figuring each other out all weekend. Asher tried to pull her hair but all was well in the end:)

Looking forward to an excuse to get together again!

Mark, Allyson, and Asher

Nov 4, 2010

So happy...

...that this...

...became this.

Happy Anniversary to my best friend.
Best 4 years ever.
Love you, Mark.


Nov 3, 2010

From Asher's point of view...

Who needs toys when you have a laundry basket...

Where am I???


I just crack myself up sometimes...

Anything over here?

Or here?

Or here?

I'm back!

Whew...better take a break...that was hard work.

Headed to Nashville tomorrow!