Sep 30, 2010

The Half-Crowder

This is David Crowder. He leads a band by the name of The David Crowder Band. The band is one of our favorites...especially live in concert. They play great music (according to us). He (Crowder) also has a very desirable and fun hair-style (according to Mark). Asher is half-way there!
The other half will have to wait til he's 16...unless he is 'blessed' with Mark's inability to grow facial hair.

We salute you men who deal with 5 o'clock shadows!
Mark and Allyson

Sep 29, 2010

Best friends.

Best friends. Everyone has one. Or two. Or three.

Some boys love dogs.

Some girls love diamonds.

Asher has one ultimate love in life....

his very best friend...

is a remote.

Happy Wednesday,
Mark and Allyson

Sep 28, 2010

You just never know...

...what shenanigans might be happening in the Thompson house on a daily basis. This is what my sweet baby boy looked like today. He was sporting a new outfit that Grammy bought for him at a crazy good Carter's sale. (Thanks again, Grammy!)

A short while later, I find Asher dressed like this...

While I was making a grocery list in the kitchen, Asher and his daddy were in our bedroom playing and being silly. As I was finishing up my list and ready to head to the store, I went into the bedroom to see why Asher was laughing so loud when I found him like this...

So, since his clothes were already half off, we decided to throw him in the bath-tub for a good soak. While lounging in his tub, he displayed some crazy acrobatic leg skills...

We are signing him up for "Cirque du Soleil" tomorrow.

The proud parents,
Mark and Allyson:)

Sep 27, 2010

Ohio Weekend

Asher and I had a fantastic trip home to Ohio this weekend! As you can see by the picture above, Asher had nothing but fun all weekend long. I know I am his mom and I have to think this, but he really is the best little boy. He was a trooper on the drive to Ohio, did great being the center of attention and passed around, and even survived our 6 hour and 20 minute trip home (should have been 4 1/2 hours...but hit a little traffic). Here are a few shots of our weekend fun...

We started off the weekend with dinner with Aunt Megan and Uncle Andy...

Andy, Megan, and Asher

Decided to clean up Saturday morning...

Bath time!

Went to meet Mommy's new cousin baby Brayden.

Brayden and Asher

Grandpa treated us to lunch at one of Mommy's favorites...


Ended the weekend with a couple of Asher's favorite ladies...

Aunt Sally!

and of course...Abby:)

Love and Miss you!
Mark, Allyson, and Asher

Sep 23, 2010

Silly Asher

If you haven't caught on lately, Asher provides a great source of entertainment around here:) Just a couple pictures of our silly Asher from tonight...

Helping Mommy do a little laundry...

Hiding under Mommy and Daddy's covers...

Looking forward to seeing Ohio family this to come!
Mark and Allyson

Sep 22, 2010

Who wears short shorts?

Evidently Asher.

This outfit is officially retired:)...looks like that bouncy seat made him spring a leak too! Somebody change that kid's diaper....c'mon man!

Mark and Allyson

Sep 21, 2010

Tuesday night football...

Just one joy of being a youth pastor/ youth pastor's wife is the blessing of going to events like 6th grade band concerts. Tonight we went to a 7th grade football game and Asher as always provided some comic relief...

That's our boy,
Mark and Allyson

Sep 20, 2010

Afternoons with Asher...

...are the best! Here are a couple of snap-shots of our Monday afternoon with Asher....

Hanging out with Daddy....

Hanging out with Mommy...

Just hanging out with my friends, Addy and Reese while Mommy and Daddy play kick-ball at family game night at the church....

Best Monday ever...
Happy 8 months Asher!

With love,
Mark and Allyson

Sep 19, 2010

Picture taking in the Thompson house...

If you have had children or ever tried to take pictures of children you will know where I am going with this. Asher has reached the age where he understands that when mommy holds up a camera of any kind and says in a high pitched voice, "Asher! Smile for Mommy! Asher, look at Mommy! Asher...Asher...Asher..." that he is supposed to cheese it up and give me a good smile. Well, lets just say that smiling definitely happens, but you have to have some fast fingers because the smile is a moving target these days. The sweet, angelic look is hardly ever captured on the first take.

Case and point, yesterday Asher was rocking his Buckeye gear for game-day and I thought it a picture worthy opportunity. Here is the progression of pictures that finally resulted in one that I would actually share with people...

Attempt #1 looking half asleep

Attempt #2 Trying just a little too hard

Attempt #3 looking a little drugged

Attempt #4 still drugged

Attempt #5 coming out of the drugged look...almost

#6 Whoa! Too much Asher, too much

Attempt #7 Ok, he is getting a little crazy...lets try one more time...

Attempt #8 Good enough:)

Hope this brought you a good laugh:)
With love,
Mark, Allyson, and Mr. Photogenic (Asher)

Sep 18, 2010

No Excuse...

Anyone still there? Anyone? It's us, The Thompson's and we evidently stink at updating a blog. Really there are no excuses, only to say we are sorry and are genuinely going to do better at this...maybe:)

Over the past month, many changes have been going on around here...among them included the end of hectic summer travel season, the start of school (work) for Allyson, Asher headed to a babysitter for the first time during the day, Mark tore off all of our siding and put on new, and of course our baby somehow transitioned into a little boy one day while we must have blinked.

Here are some recent and not so recent pictures to update you on just a little that has been happening around here....

Thompson Clan at the Grand Canyon

Our little fish relaxing in the pool in Arizona.

6 month pics

Asher standing around on the front lawn with Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa and their buddy, Asher

Family pic on Allyson's 28th

With Love,
Mark, Allyson, and Asher