Jul 21, 2009

When God gives you a lemon...

...you are 14 weeks pregnant!

Whether s/he is a big lemon or a small lemon, we don't know. But the baby is growing and that's all that matters. Allyson is feeling great! Still no sickness and her swollen ankles from Jamaica have returned to pre-trip size. Now she knows what she has to look forward to. :) If there was anything getting her down, she is definately in better spirits...after a shopping trip to an outlet mall today. A whole new wardrobe does wonders for her (thanks Grandma)...even if the top half of all her new pants could hold a watermelon!

Allyson's 'bump' is growing. The days of not being able to notice are in the past. She is ok with that. She's actually looking forward to having a belly! She may be rethinking that in a few weeks. It won't be long!

In other news...Mark bought a new suit tonight for his ordination service next week. Mark shopping for a suit=big problems. Either (1) arms not long enough or (2) body always too big. We figured out the first store we were in that a 38L is perfect for me. Guess what?? No store keeps 38L in stock. Great! Well, now I'm stuck with either a 38R...get the arms lengthened. Or a 40L...get the body taken in. Guess you can see what we decided.

Hope the tailor in town can take a rush order.

Love and miss you all!
Mark and Allyson

1 comment:

  1. I know your pain. (Mark's pain, that is...) I wear a 38L, too, only because no one makes a 36L or 37L! If the tailor can't fit you in, I can set you up!
