Jul 15, 2009

2nd trimester!

We are about 13 1/2 weeks pregnant today. We had another doctor's appointment this morning. Waited in the room for around 45 minutes for a 2 minute appointment, but I (Allyson) could have cared less after we got to hear a healthy heartbeat! Dr. Cook told us that everything sounded great and that he would see us in another 5 weeks. This week our baby is the size of a medium shrimp.
These pictures are supposed to help you get an idea of the size of the shrimp compared to a quarter. The website tells us that our baby is about an ounce and 3 inches long. It won't be long until we get to find out if it is a boy or a girl!

Love you all!
Mark and Allyson

1 comment:

  1. A SHRIMP! These are my favorite parts of your blog...seeing how big that baby actually is. Can't wait to see if it's a boy or girl!
