Jan 29, 2011

Birthday Cupcake

I get to eat a cupcake???
What's a cupcake?
This isn't so bad.
This white stuff sticks to my fingers. Neat.
I think I will keep myself looking good.
Nevermind! Who cares? It's my birthday!
That's a lot of icing on my hands.
Looks better in my mouth :)
Say what mom and dad? I get to keep eating this stuff???
OK! This day keeps getting better!
You guys do whatever you want...I'll keep eating. Btw dad...nice overalls. Those are ski bibs son. Oh.
What a great treat! (and beautiful boy!)
I have to wait a year for the next one???

Mom and dad wanted me to tell you pictures from my party are coming next. My party was awesome. You'll see!
Asher Mark

Jan 24, 2011

Birthday balloon.

Asher received lots of things for his birthday. I am sure a post on all of his cool presents will be coming later this week, but this post is all about Asher's first birthday present...a birthday balloon. Who would have thought that something so simple would create such joy on the face of a sweet little boy? Asher had just woke up from an awesome birthday nap and was sporting some crazy bed-head, bud his sweet face is priceless in these pictures! Enjoy!
The firsts just keep coming and we love it!
Mark and Allyson

Jan 21, 2011

Snow, snow, snow!

We spent Saturday afternoon last weekend at a snow tubing hill. Lots of fun. Really, really cold. Here are Crystal and Allyson...
Here is Mark's best impersonation of a ninja...

It snowed all night on Friday and all day Saturday, so there was lots of snow. Tubing was a blast, but the best part of the afternoon was giving Asher his first extended time in the snow. I'm ready!

The rest of the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy!
And our favorite!
We had a great day yesterday celebrating Asher's birthday. Surprise, surprise...we took a lot of pictures so you'll get to see some of the fun soon.

Love you all!

Jan 20, 2011

Hour-long bus ride

Saturday afternoon of the retreat, we took a trip to go snow tubing. Here were some of our new friends that were on our bus.
The trip there was quite a dance shuffling 'techniques' trying to keep Asher entertained. We call this the 'camera case'.
The 'taste the window'.
The 'put your hands in your boots and clap them together'.
The 'flirt with the girl sitting behind us'.
Each technique ended with the same question. Are we there yet???
The trip was worth it! We had a lot of fun on the hill and got some great snow pictures (Asher's first real taste of snow)! Can't wait to show you some of those.

Still loving every first, Mark and Allyson

1 Year Old

Happy Birthday to me, Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me...Happy birthday to me!

Asher Mark

Jan 18, 2011

On the way up!

This past weekend we loaded up the car and headed to Kalkaska, Michigan so Mark could speak at his cousin Andrew's junior high retreat. Kalkaska is WAAAAY up there. About 8 hours up there to be exact. This was officially Asher's longest road trip. The trip was all about the stops....first we stopped for a little lunch and leg stretching at Burger King. We picked up a little prince while we were there...

A little while later, Mark remembered he needed to send some emails...so we hung out at Starbucks and stole some wi-fi....don't worry Mark ate a huge cheese danish:)

This picture is about 30 minutes from our destination. As you can see it was nice and dark outside. Asher had had about enough at this point and had been crying in the back seat. He finally realized that the crying wasn't going to work, so he stopped. It was so dark in the car that I couldn't see what the little turkey was doing...I pointed my camera to the back seat, turned on the flash and caught the sneaky little guy smiling from ear to ear with this ornery grin.

Needless to say, we all had a good laugh and the last 30 minutes didn't seem so long. Thanks, Asher!

Snow pictures are on their way tomorrow!

Jan 17, 2011

Guess who

is turning ONE this week?!?! That's right, Asher!!!! We have lots of blogs coming....lots of pictures to share. Check back this week for more fun. For now, enjoy this cheesey smile.

-Mark and Allyson

Jan 11, 2011


See this innocent face? This sweet, innocent face? Let me tell you a little story about him and all the "toys" that he "owns".

First, lets start with the fruits and veggies. He has a whole shopping cart full of them...who wouldn't want plastic fruits and veggies?

Here we have an awesome table that sings and talks to you in English and Spanish!

In this corner we have a t-ball game as well as a thing that shoots colorful balls up in the air.

Next up is a plethora of blocks, stacking games, toys that play songs, and other fun stuff.

Ok, who doesn't want their very own piano?

Last, but certainly not least we have a "Little People" barn.

Now, I don't know about you but if I had all this cool stuff I would be playing with it all day and night.

I wouldn't be able to get enough....not Asher.

Asher has something much cooler than toys.

Asher has a video and DVD case.

...I think I want to watch "The Matrix"...

...maybe one of Mommy's seasons of "Friends"...

...Hey, is that Mel Gibson?...

..."The Patriot"...now that is a good one.

...not as good as the cover...the cover is lots of fun to play with.

...this movie is getting old...what else is up here?


Who needs toys when you have all of this?

There is that sweet face again. Ok, play with whatever you want. Those eyes get me everytime:)

Enjoying another snow day here in Indiana,
Mark, Allyson, and Asher