Oct 24, 2011

19 weeks!

Ok, so we are more like 19.5 weeks at this point, but this picture was taken last Friday, so it was technically 19 weeks. We spent my fall break in Ohio and snapped this picture right before heading to Polaris for a great day of shopping and hanging out with family. This is a pretty exciting week. This Wednesday we head to the doctor to hopefully find out if Asher is going to have a little brother or sister!  We are soooooooooo excited! I (Allyson) personally can't wait to get this show on the road. Once we know what we are having I feel like I will finally be able to think about names, bedding, and clothes...you know, the fun stuff!

I am still feeling great! My tummy looks huge in this picture! Mark and Asher are doing great as well. Asher is quite the ham these days. He is a dancing machine anytime any music with any beat start playing. Look for a post about our trip to Ohio in the next day or so and of course a post sometime later this week about gender!

Much love,
Mark, Allyson, Asher, and Baby #2

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