Jan 6, 2010

Christmas and 'Sweet Baby Asher'

Christmas began for us the weekend of my (Mark's) birthday, the weekend before Christmas. Mom and Dad along with Seth came up Friday night. Although it was late, we ventured into playing some Wii. My dad had never experienced the phenomenon. After trying out the games on Sport and WiiFit, dad took a-likin' to bowling. Saturday morning, he proceeded to bowl a strike in 8 straight frames and bowl a 245. Needless to say, he was hooked. Saturday morning, we journeyed to Bloomington for my 'birthday lunch'...Cheeseburger-n-Paradise. Mom and Dad had never eaten there. The pressed burger was a hit! Saturday afternoon, we celebrated Christmas (complete with the blanket on the living room floor). Great times!! After we opened our gifts, they headed home. A quick trip for them, but glad they came up. A side note...after they got home, Dad bought a Wii!

Allyson worked until the Wednesday before Christmas (while every other school let out the Friday before). We loaded up the car and headed to Ohio. We went to a Christmas Eve service at Allyson's brother's church. It was a good service. We spent Christmas Day hanging out at the house and chillax-ing! We went to a movie that night at the great theater of Marion, OH (forgot the name). Saturday, we shared Christmas with the Ballinger family. We took our Wii over with us, so all the cousins enjoyed playing it while the rest of us enjoyed watching them. It always great to see everybody. It had been 3 years since I had seen most of them and 2 years for Allyson. Sunday afternoon, we celebrated Christmas with the Frank family (Allyson's mom). It was good to see them all. Maizie (Allyson's 2nd cousin) is in kindergarten now and she is a ball of fun to be around! We left the bitter cold of Ohio on Monday and returned to the really cold of Indiana.

Last week, we spent the week cleaning the house (Thanks Mom and Dad B!) and resting. Allyson returned to school Monday and is hoping the 4-6 inches they are calling for tomorrow comes true!!

Now...what everybody is probably wondering the most about... :)
Asher has begun the process of coming out (hope that satisfies the curiosity enough without getting into technical terms). We've been told by the doctors it may be tomorrow or it might be in 2 weeks. Everything is fine...he's still moving, heartbeat sounds good, and Allyson has been awesome! Allyson and I (her a little more) are ready for him to be here! She is going to keep working as long as she is able to. One of the neat things we did at the Georgia shower was to have everyone write down when they think he will be born. So, we are starting to put those cards aside as the days pass. Who knows?? One of Mark's roommates in college had a boy on Jan. 1st. One of Allyson's good friends in college had her baby on the 3rd (due Jan. 27th). So, its our turn!! Mark is going to do his best to keep everyone updated when the day comes. We will for sure be posting pictures afterwards.

Completely excited and ready!
Mark and Allyson

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