Jan 17, 2010

40 week update and Monday Morning

Asher update:
I(Allyson) have thought about writing this a couple of times, but I can't think of much to say that is different. The past 3 doctor visits have all been about the same. The doctor tells us it could be anytime...well, anytime obviously hasn't quite arrived yet. But, the good news is that with every passing day, we are one day closer. He really can't stay in there forever! (At least we don't think so...) My last day of work was Friday, so now the official waiting game has begun. Today was our "due date". We have found that first babies really don't care about due dates. We head back to the doctor on Wednesday for a couple of routine tests. We will have an ultrasound and a non-stress test. They told us to bring our bags just in case they decide to send us for an induction on Wednesday. If not, we are probably looking at starting an induction a week from today at 41 weeks. All of this would be null and void if Asher decided to play by the rules and come on his own...which could still happen. I am doing surprisingly well. I have my moments where I think that this might never end, but thankfully I am married to a wonderful husband who keeps things in perspective for me. We can't wait to meet our beautiful little boy...in the mean time, enjoy a hysterical true story from the crazy life in the Thompson house...

In the words of Mark...

How was your Monday morning last week? Mine was different. It went like this...

It was a humid 20 degrees outside. Allyson was returning to work after a couple of snow days the week before. We had driven 1 vehicle all weekend in the snow. Our other vehicle was still covered in snow. As Allyson is leaving for work, she mentions the ice scraper is in the car she is driving to work. What a thoughtful wife I have! I follow her out to the car to grab the scraper to help myself out. As she gets in her car, I proceed to begin scraping the snow off our Kia. All I was wearing was a hoodie, pajama pants and boots. With no gloves, I didn't make too much progress before I decided to finish it later when I had a warmer outfit and gloves.

As Allyson is pulling out of the driveway, I walk back in the house...correction, I tried to walk in the house. It was locked. I sort of panicked. Allyson was in the road, but still in front of the house. I begin waving both arms frantically. I normally wave goodbye to her from inside the house. She, understandably, thought I was waving goodbye. I was screaming her name (like she could hear me) and pointing at the door. With another car approaching behind her, she sped off down the street. For a moment, I did nothing...hoping she saw me at the last moment and would return to rescue me. The moment turned into a minute and I knew I was doomed. I really panicked. So, there I stood-no keys, no phone, no gloves, thin pants-freezing.

I knew we had a spare key outside. We have moved it around and Allyson utilized it recently for a youth scavenger hunt when she didn't have a house key. So, not sure where to look, I try to lift some stones...frozen down. Can't budge them. Pitiful, but that's another story. Found a 2x4 behind the house and used it to pry up a few stones. No luck. Being dark outside didn't help the situation. Well, at this point the hopeless situation is at the next worse place beyond hopeless. What am I to do?? Decide the only thing I can do is walk to church (.8 miles) and figure something out. At least it would be a warm place to thaw out. As any onlooker is thinking 'what in the world is this guy doing?' I go into full-survival mode. In a move Allyson and I utilize around the house a lot, I tucked my pants into my socks (exhibit A).
I then tied up the drawstring in my hood to the point where only my eyes were visible (exhibit B).
I made it to church and finally got in touch with Allyson. She informed me where the key was (a place I had already looked) and left a message for my pastor to see if he could help me. My pastor couldn't find me once he got to the church (I had used a spare key to get in the youth building). So, he goes out in the neighborhood looking for me. Funny thing is...he sees a guy walking around in his pajamas and slippers! Don't know his story, but maybe he was on a planned morning stroll. Got a ride home (thanks Ken!) and found the key exactly where Allyson said it was.

Besides that, it was a normal Monday morning.

Hope you have a great Monday!
Mark and Allyson

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