Oct 19, 2009

Last week of the 2nd trimester!

It is hard to believe, but this is the beginning of the last week of our 2nd trimester. According to our weekly emails, the 3rd trimester will start this up-coming Sunday. This week, they compare Asher to the size of a head of cauliflower. He should be around 2 pounds and 14 1/2 inches long. I (Allyson) definitely think this is the case because my belly feels like it gets larger by the day! He is now opening and closing his eyes, sleeping at regular intervals(hopefully this is a trend that he remembers), and may even be sucking on his fingers. Overall, he is becoming more and more like a little boy who is just getting ready to meet all the people that already love him:)

This past weekend was a crazy one that involved lots of company. Abby came in on Thursday night to visit in between her world travels. She has been in California since January and is now in Italy for the next 3 weeks! Since she spent the night on Thursday night I took a personal day on Friday and spent a little more time with Abby. We met my mom in Bloomington for lunch on Friday before Abby headed back home to pack again. Mom and I spent a fun Friday together that involved important things like shopping and pedicures. Basically, it was a rough day:) Friday night, more guests arrived (Mark's mom and dad). Saturday was Asher's first baby shower thrown by our good friends Pam and Bradie. It was a great shower and Asher is already working on his awesome wardrobe. The girls enjoyed the shower while the guys cut a hole in the kitchen wall. Thankfully, the hole is now replaced with a door! The finishing touches are about 90% complete. We promise to post some pictures when it is finally complete!

Can't wait until Thursday when Mark and I get in the car and drive to Ohio! We are looking forward to seeing lots of family that we have been missing lately!

Love and miss each of you,
Mark and Allyson

1 comment:

  1. What a fun weekend. Your church family is so...good to you. The shower was so nice. I would like one more piece of that cake. Mark, it was great spending time with your mom and dad. See you on Thursday.
