Sep 6, 2009

21 weeks...

21 weeks! Can you believe it? We don't know where the time has gone. Some fun things have been happening in the past couple of weeks. One is that I (Allyson) have started to feel him moving around. You still can't feel him by putting your hand on my belly, Mark can't wait for that, but I am definitely aware of him. We started making some head-way with his room as well. The closet is completely cleaned out and Mark put the first coat of paint on the wall. I can't decide if I like it or not. I like it about every other time that I walk in there. We will see after another coat. Since I have such a great husband, he has already offered to paint again if I decide that I don't like it. The paint color is called basil and is an olive green color. As my brother told my mom one time, it might make me in the mood to color Easter eggs. If I decide that is the case, we might need a new color.

Life has been pretty hectic for me in the past month with starting school and finishing my Master's degree. Only 10 more days of the Master's and life will hopefully slow down a bit. I am sure the time will fill up with something else, but I am going to enjoy that first day of not stressing about what paper needs written or how to fix my portfolio.

Still no news on the name. We are still trying decide between 2 names. We promise to let you know just as soon as we know!

Here is an updated photo of my growing belly. I think it gets bigger by the minute. Joy...hopefully this shirt will satisfy you, it can't get much tighter:)

Love and miss each of you!
Mark and Allyson

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