Apr 30, 2012

Parents of the year.

Mark is graciously doing the Couch to 5k running program with me to get back in pre-baby shape. Ok, hopefully better than pre-baby shape. We are in the middle of week 2 right now. Tonight, it rained. Then it stopped raining, so we decided we could do a quick 30 minute run/ walk. I was pushing Levi in a stroller and Mark was pushing Asher. We got almost a mile from the house and it started pouring. So, we did the only logical thing we could think of and that was to scream and try to run home. Now, I jogged the 2 mile loop on Saturday with Mark without strollers, but I am not quite in " running the entire time while pushing a stroller" shape. I just had a baby!

Anyway, it probably turned out to be a pretty good work out because we ran more than the program called for and laughed at our stupidity most of the time. Laughing is a good ab workout right?!?!

Miraculously, Levi's stroller kept him perfectly dry because he was completely covered...he even slept!

Asher did not stay dry! He was soaked!

PS, nice socks with crocs Asher!

And here we have the nominees for "Parents of the Year".


Mark and Allyson:)


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