Aug 3, 2009

16 weeks...Guacamole anyone?

Neither one of us have ever been fans of guacamole. I (Mark) have developed a little bit of taste for it because of a friend's amazing mexican dip that includes it. Allyson would rather not think about it, much less smell or taste it. To be honest, if you think long enough about what it looks may cause you think twice about eating it. However, we are fans this week! Well, at least it's source.

We are moving through week 16 and the baby is the size of an avacado. Some things happenin' right now...s/he has toe nails, eyes are moving to the front of the head (don't know exactly where they begin, but glad they are moving to the front), and the heart is pumping 25 quarts of blood each day. As we took a look at Allyson's 8 weeks photo, she has changed. But the changes are getting ready to speed up. In the next couple of weeks, the baby will double in size and weight. And she (Allyson) is ready!! Here's the 16 weeks photo.

Love you all!
Mark and Allyson


  1. YAY!! Theres a little bit of a bump!! Cant wait until the next doctors apt! Love you guys!

  2. We are so excited for you guys we can hardly stand it! We love the Baby center produce updates also keep them coming....We are thinking boy...just wanted to put that out there!

  3. Yay for a baby bump! I'm so excited!

  4. Love the baby bump. We will be home for Thanksgiving so hopefully we can see you...I want to feel baby T kick! Love you.
