Sep 30, 2011

16 weeks!

Guess who decided to make an appearance for week 16? You guessed it, baby #2 has officially shown himself/herself with a bump! Shockingly enough I can still wear my jeans. I am guessing that they have about a week left. I am going to live it up for all its worth because maternity pants are on the way!

Some good news this week in the area of baby growth and development. His/her eyes are moving toward the front of his/her head. In our opinion, that is always a good thing:) Toenails are also making an appearance this week.

On the Asher front, he is funny as ever. He has developed this laugh that is contageous. If he starts, we start, which makes him laugh even louder. It is too fun. Last weekend, he had to teach Grandpa a thing or two about using the iPad. He is so advanced:)

Oh, Mark is doing good too! Sorry for leaving you out, Mark:)

Much love,
Mark, Allyson, Asher, and Baby #2

Sep 23, 2011

15 weeks!

Well, here we are a week later and a tad bit thicker. If I were one of those brave women who show pictures of real skin you could definitely tell that something is different. I just want to go on the record by saying that will never happen:) I am still wearing my regular jeans. I can tell that the day is quickly approaching that that will no longer be a reality. According to, our baby is about 4 inches from crown to rump now and weighs about 2 1/2 ounces which is about the size of an apple. Even though this is the 2nd time around we are still amazed to learn and read about all the happenings of our sweet baby from week to week.

I am still feeling great. A little more tired at night that usual, but that is to be expected. Friday at 3:00 is always a welcome time:)  Mark and Asher are doing great too. Asher just turned 20 months old. Where has the time gone? Does that really mean we will have a new baby in 6 months? HOLY MOLY!

Happy Friday,
Mark, Allyson, Asher, and baby #2

Sep 19, 2011


Asher is so technologically advanced:)  I guess he is growing up in a different time than his mom and dad. I remember playing Memory on my mom's Commodore 64 in her 3rd grade classroom...times have changed, times have changed.


Sep 18, 2011

Random Summer 2011 Picture Dump

This past summer was crazy busy as usual. I realized because it was so crazy that we might be due for a random picture we go.

This is Asher and his buddy Ben. Ben lives in Nashville with his mommy and daddy. They are exactly 20 days apart in age. Ben's daddy, Jamin and Asher's daddy, Mark were college room-mates. They stopped by for the night on their way to a mission trip with their church. It was so fun to watch these two cuties play together. 

Sometime towards the beginning of the summer we got a chance to spend a couple days with Jeremy, Tera, Caleb, and Cully in Kentucky. They are usually 2 time zones away in Arizona, so when we find ourselves occupying the same time zone we try to make it a priority to spend some of that time together. Mark, Asher, and I traveled to Kentucky to camp with Tera's family on their land for a couple of days. We had the best time. As you can see, the boys were having fun being boys:)

Here is a picture of the whole crew. To say we miss these 4 might be the understatement of the century. 

We spent a week this summer in Louisville, KY with these two awesome girls, and about 6 or 7 thousand other high school students at Nazarene Youth Conference. No, we did not have to wear hair nets the whole time, but for this mini-work project they were a necessity and a fantastic picture opportunity.

 Another perk of NYC is that youth groups from all over the USA are there. One of my besties from high school, Sarah and her hubby are in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Luke is the youth pastor. I absolutely loved having a much needed chance to catch up with Sarah. We took this picture just before the last session of the conference. The funny thing that we didn't know when we took this picture but both learned about later is that Sarah is about 5 weeks pregnant with her 2nd baby and I am about 3.5 weeks pregnant with my 2nd baby in this picture. Love, love, love that we will be having babies within a week of each other in March!

 About 12 seconds later we got home from the conference and headed to Ohio with a great group of teens and adults to go to Cedar Point. This really nice couple agreed to let all 19 of us crash in their house for the night...thanks Mom and Dad B!
 Once we reached the end of the summer, we headed to Hilton Head, South Carolina for a week of relaxation. This is Asher's first time seeing and touching the ocean. This face is priceless and something I will never forget.

Hope you enjoyed the random picture dump! Have a great week!

Mark, Allyson, Asher and Baby #2

Sep 16, 2011

14 Weeks

Well, not much change going on in the belly area, other than I am starting to feel thick.  I can still easily wear my jeans which is definitely a good thing. I am sure the day is shortly approaching where that will not be a possibility. Still feeling great! I have been a little more tired than usual, but going to bed at 9:30 or 10:00 instead of 11:30 or 12:00 is probably not a bad thing:) Baby #2 and I are officially in the 2nd trimester which is crazy for us to think about. The baby should be about the size of a lemon at this point.

We are planning to post some Asher pictures this weekend. Mark has been so busy with school that it is hard for me to say, "um...can I use the computer to play with pictures?"

Hope everyone has a blessed Friday!
Mark, Allyson, Asher, and Baby #2

Sep 9, 2011

13 Weeks!

As you can see, we are getting a little thicker around the middle than normal...must really be a baby in there! Our baby is already making fingerprints and is about 3 inches long at this point. Craziness.  I am still feeling great! Asher has really kept things moving around here. That is definitely a good thing.

The weather this week just decided to be full swing fall. We are loving it! This past Monday we went to Spring Mill State Park to meet some friends to play with and enjoy a picnic lunch. We had so much fun! Asher takes every chance he gets to play with the twins, Hayden (left) and Sydney (right). As you can see, they are going to be friends for life:)
We are looking forward to our vistors that will be here next week. Mom B. and Mama Frank are coming for the week to watch Asher during the day. Asher's babysitter will be at the beach (jealous) all week. I am sure that he will be nice and spoiled by the time the week is over:)

Much love,
Mark, Allyson, Asher, and baby in Allyson's tummy:)

Sep 5, 2011

Wait just a minute...

You might be thinking to yourself...Did I read that blog title wrong? Is that a typo? The answer is NO! We are officially Thompson, Party of 4 these days! Asher is going to be a big brother! To say that we are excited might be the understatement of the century. Allyson is about 12 1/2 weeks along and feeling great. The baby is due on March 16, but will be delivered via C-section sometime the week before. We do not know if it is a boy or a girl, but will definitely find out if the baby cooperates at the next ultrasound. That date is not scheduled yet, but we are guessing sometime in late October. Allyson looks about the same these days, but we will start posting belly shots on Friday's. In the mean time, enjoy an oldy-but-a-goody of Asher. This kid cracks us up!

Much love,
Mark, Allyson, Asher, and Asher's new sibling!