Mar 27, 2011

Finally....he walks!

We always knew that Asher was a sweet, considerate boy. We just didn't know how much. He kindly waited until Mommy was on spring break to take his first steps! So, at 14 months and 2 days life just got a little crazier. Enjoy some of Asher's first week of walking.

Still loving every first!
Mark and Allyson

Mar 12, 2011


Look at those blue eyes
Looking forward to enjoying some time outside!
Thompson fam

Mar 10, 2011

Silly Sleeper

What did we do with our time before we had a child to entertain us? Who we do and he supplies lots of free entertainment. The other night he fell asleep next to me on the couch. If you turn up the volume you can actually hear him snoring. He gets the giggles thanks to Daddy, wakes himself up laughing, and goes right back to sleep with Mommy's touch....enjoy our silly sleeper.

-Mark and Allyson

Mar 9, 2011

He stands.

The other day, March 5th to be exact, Asher decided he was tired of being a baby who couldn't stand up without a chair or a wall and stood up on his own. Miraculously, we caught it on video...hopefully we will be this lucky with walking. He will do one step here or there, but nothing across the room yet. It won't be long!

Happy Wednesday!
Mark and Allyson

Mar 5, 2011


Asher might be the only kid on the face of the Earth that genuinely enjoys crust. I actually cut the crust off of his bread to hold him over while I finish making his sandwich. I can't blame him though, I am a crust girl myself. We recently purchased a Flip HD video camera. Hopefully it will allow us to capture everyday life a little better so we can share it with you! Please enjoy our babbling crust eater:)
