Apr 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

What a great Easter weekend! Grandma and Grandpa Ballinger got here around 9 on Thursday night and stayed until Sunday afternoon. Since I didn't get home from my track meet until 12:15 (not normal, it was a large invitational) I didn't get to join in on the fun until Friday morning. Here are some highlights of our Easter weekend!
First we started off with Asher's Easter presents from Grandma and Grandpa. He got this cool Monkey Bag...
...and this cool basketball. Basketball is right up there with Mommy, Daddy, and milk these days.
After we got cleaned up we practiced a little Easter Egg hunt at the house. As you can see Asher is easily amazed these days:)
Friday night we went to a Good Friday service and Asher sported his new bag. He looks like a 15 month old going on 4 here...cracks us up!
Saturday we headed to church for an Easter Egg hunt and some fun games.
There were so many eggs!
More eggs!
Even a huge Easter bunny to take your picture with:)
Asher even joined in on the relay race.
Sunday morning Asher woke up to a surprise from the Easter Bunny!
He even stood up front with the kids as they sang a song at church!
The morning ended with a little photo shoot where Asher was more interested in the cars going by than smiling for the camera:)
Happy family!
Overall, it was a fantastic weekend! Hope your Easter was fantastic too!

Much love,
Mark, Allyson, and Asher

Apr 19, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa

Word on the street is that these two are coming to visit this weekend. I hear they are in with the Easter bunny:)

Can't wait for Thursday night!

Apr 17, 2011

Excuses, excuses.

Here is our list of excuses in no particular order:
The flu (Allyson)
Track (Allyson)
Croup (Asher)
Ear Infection(Asher 1 day after croup)
Track (Allyson)
Master's degree (Mark)
Track (Allyson)
Master's degree (Mark)
Lazy (All of us)

We are going to try to get better!
Asher is walking all over the place these days and growing into quite the little funny guy.

Hopefully we will find a second to post again this week!
Mark, Allyson, and Asher

Apr 2, 2011


This week we decided to put up Asher's basketball hoop from Uncle Andy and Aunt Megan. Let's just say, it is a huge hit! He is such a natural:)

Much love,
Mark, Allyson, and Asher